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October 06, 2013


Carrol Grady

It is easy to trace our idealization of virginity back to Bible times, when lack of the proof of virginity could lead to stoning, or to the middle ages, when the first coupling of a newly married king and queen was in public, and the blood-stained sheet was shown in proof that the queen was pure!
I grew up with this ideal firmly in mind. I recall when I was about 12, and my boyfriend who walked me home wanted to kiss me, that I ran and got my “The Heart of a Rose” booklet to show him why I couldn’t let him!
Since learning some 25 years ago that our youngest son is gay, my faith has become much more pragmatic and grace-filled. I believe that the love, forgiveness, and understanding that I have for my children is multiplied many times over in the way God treats us, his sinful and broken children.

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