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January 06, 2015



In another aspect of business in church....we MUST do better at doing the business of the church if we expect the church to flourish. Maybe Webber is trying to think outside the box for how we can do that but just hasn't fully developed the idea. With membership graying in all denominations, budgets are shrinking. How do we use those limited resources to their greatest advantage? Could we turn those excess classrooms into a business incubator? Or rent them out for a job center? Or something else which is consistent with service to the community using an entrepreneurial model, which has been shown to better deliver service than traditional non-profit organizations? Need to get creative.

Loren Seibold

Trish, that's a marvelous thought. There are more kinds of business to be done in church buildings than boutiques and nightclubs!


Hey guys. Great post. Have you seen AdventUprising.com yet? I think you would appreciate many of it's posts: "Being caught between the past and the future is not the same as being of the present." "To provide true Christian healthcare, Adventist hospitals need to go." "How can we, as young Adventists holding no elected church office, ensure reforms actually become reality within the denomination? This article contains some concrete ideas." Etc. You might particularly like this article: "The Map Is Not The Terriroty" - http://adventuprising.com/maps-are-biased

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