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May 13, 2015


Greg Bratcher


You are sharing very interesting data. We all see the symptoms but few agree on the root causes. I agree that we need to stop blaming the "backsliders" without looking at ourselves who actively support our church. Is it just "more of the same"?

David Beaudoin

I'm wondering if Monte would mind listing the "flaws in the institution". So I can have a better handle on what we/I need to work at correcting?


As an active member and supporter of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, I would say that flaws in the institution can be as simple as flawed individuals (which you'll find anywhere, in any organized religious body) using their authority and influence unfairly or without discernment, or leading without meekness. I would also add that most religious people would probably have reason for disappointment in their organized religious body, because of flawed individuals, regardless of the capacity in which they serve. If I admit that God has a perfecting work to do on my behalf, surely He also has a perfecting work to do on any, and all religious bodies, including the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and for that, I will exalt Him. Thank you Monte for this article, which I've read with great interest.

William Coffman

Excellent assessment Monte and certainly Valid observations and comments....Like Tony Campolo long ago observed, as you referenced, in future many will no longer be actively involved for .....will bid a fond farewell, not out of anger so much as just moving on and not sensing a need anymore for many reasons....FB & Social Media may even keep many friendships active from Academy, College, and even University....in the end ....it is all about people and value of Friendship whose bonds, if positive and formed in love and caring way
.....are not Broken....even though Church Attendance may be distant in rear view mirror.......

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