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June 25, 2015


Ken McFarland

Recently read a Huffpost article that I found incredibly eye-opening re: addiction: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/johann-hari/the-real-cause-of-addicti_b_6506936.html

This book - Chasing the Scream - posits that its not nearly so much the chemical hooks that create addiction, but the disconnection from others. If the science on this holds (and Portugal is one real-life lab), 12-Step programs may not be as effective a solution as deliberately facilitating human connections. Continuing research on the healing power of relationships is powerfully convincing.

Loren Seibold

Interesting, thanks, Ken! I'll check it out.

Dave Slowinski

Loren, I went to AA as a recommended follow-up program after a 30-day inpatient recovery program at a rehab hospital 35 years ago. AA was a big disappointment as far as a teaching and recovering tool. There is not enough space here to go into detail, but depending on the group, the inmates more often than not ran the asylum . My healthy recovery did not come about as a result of anything other than an understanding of the character of God;who He REALLY is as shown by Jesus. The freedom I experienced as I began to understand His love for me was a complete paradigm shift from the perspective and life I lived previously.

Loren Seibold

Amazing story, Dave Slowinski. Thanks for sharing it!

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